DEWIGHT CORLEY was booked into the Wilson County Jail on charges including ASSAULT (AGGRAVATED) VIOLATION OF PROBATION CRIM
DEWIGHT CORLEY was booked into the Wilson County Jail on charges including ASSAULT (AGGRAVATED) VIOLATION OF PROBATION CRIM
BOBBY DILLON was booked into the Wilson County Jail on charges including VIOLATION OF PROBATION CRIM
NORA DOVE was booked into the Wilson County Jail on charges including VIOLATION OF PROBATION GS
JUDY FIELDS was booked into the Wilson County Jail on charges including ASSAULT(DOMESTIC) DRIVING:REVOKED/SUSPENDED/CANCELLED DL
JACOB HARRIS was booked into the Wilson County Jail on charges including VIOL ORDER PROTECTION
SAUL MATEO was booked into the Wilson County Jail on charges including DUI
MARK MCLAUGHLIN was booked into the Wilson County Jail on charges including ASSAULT(DOMESTIC)
COREY NEAL was booked into the Wilson County Jail on charges including VANDALISM
GREGORY NICHOLAS was booked into the Wilson County Jail on charges including THEFT OF PROPERTY
JOSEPH REEVES was booked into the Wilson County Jail on charges including THEFT OF PROPERTY
REBECCA ROGERS was booked into the Wilson County Jail on charges including THEFT OF PROPERTY DRIVING W/O LICENSE DRUG PARAPHERNALIA
AUSTIN SHOOK was booked into the Wilson County Jail on charges including MANF., DELIVER, SALE, POSS. OF METHAMPHE DRUGS SIMPLE POSSESSION
SIDNEY WEIR was booked into the Wilson County Jail on charges including VIOLATION OF PROBATION CRIM TRESPASS CRIMINAL ASSAULT
DRAVEN WILKERSON was booked into the Wilson County Jail on charges including FAILURE TO APPEAR-BOND JUMPING
ASHLEY WOOD was booked into the Wilson County Jail on charges including FAILURE TO APPEAR